I woke up today feeling like absolute shit. I moped around for a bit until lunch time, when I decided that I just needed to suck it up and walk my lazy ass to the doctor's office in Dunblane. So I got dressed and put my rain boots on (because of course it was pouring down) and made my way down the road. I walked in and went to the counter and said, "Hi, I need to register and see a doctor as soon as possible" to the receptionist. "Where do you live?" she asked me. "Well right now I live in Dunblane, but in a few weeks I'm moving to Stirling." She said, "Well, I'm sorry but we can't see you here, you're gonna have to go to the doctor in Stirling." I informed her that I had no car and needed to see a doctor ASAP to get some pills, and we went around in circles for a few minutes about not having any paperwork with my address on it, blah blah blah. Towards the end of our converstaion she had a look on her face that told me she cared more about what she was eating for lunch than my problem, so I thanked her and walked out in a huff.
I vented to Liz for a few minutes once I got home about how stupid it all was, then decided to call Keith to see if he would drive me to Stirling when he got off work. He agreed so I called the office in Stirling to make an appointment. Turns out Keith didn't get home till later than he planned, and we all hopped in the car and sped down the highway towards Stirling at a speed that made me grasp the oh shit handle in the car as discreetly as I could until we screeched to a halt outside the doctor's. I ran in and was seen immediately by the doctor, where he gave me a once-over and wrote me a prescription in under five minutes. I was pretty impressed with the impersonal-ness and speed of it all! None of this, "And where are you going to school? How do you like it?" small talk that I'm used to. I loved it!
I hopped back in the car and Keith sped me to the nearest pharmacy (which happened to be in a Tesco, our grocery store) to get there before it closed. It was still pouring down buckets of rain at this point. I was waiting in the store for my name to be called for the pills, so I took a stroll down the junk food aisle (where else?) and was perusing the strange flavors of chips when a MASSIVE amount of water came gushing out of a vent in the floor and proceeded to flood the junk aisle and the 4 aisles around it! Was it seriously raining THAT much outside? Luckily they called my name right at that moment so I got my prescription for £3 (that is DIRT cheap by the way, thanks NHS!) and high-tailed it out of there before they started evacuating people out of the store on inflatable rafts.
After that little adventure we headed over to campus to pick up Beth and headed home. Once we got back to the flat, we decided on pizza for dinner because Domino's was having a buy one get one free deal, so we thought it only natural to order 4 pizzas, one for each of us.
Keith left to pick up the pizzas while us girls did a little skin rejuvinating in the form of a mud mask. After about twenty minutes the food gods arrived with four glorious boxes of pizza, each one perfectly suited to the taste buds of each individual.
This is what Liz and I like to call Heaven, but I think most others would label it as a fat joke. Anyway after we all devoured at least half of our individual pizzas, we waddled our way into the living room for a night of shitty British tv before we all passed out.
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